Saturday, 22 October 2011

Opening week...

Hi Everyone

Well first of all, sincere apologies for the lack of blog last week. Never in my life have i had so much to do in such a small amount of time. But then again, i never was one to take the easy road. The lead up to the VIP Prelaunch party and opening was, as with all new start ups, fraught with little hiccups that piled up around my ears, BUT nonetheless we made it to VIP night with just the gallery space to be cleared out and a few more items to be put on the shelves. 

Just over 100 designers and media guests attended our VIP night. With the bubbles flowing, a mass networking celebration began and continued well past my bedtime (not that i got much sleep). I stayed up into the early hours to finish the gallery space, get all those champagne flutes cleared up and put most of the remaining products out on the shelves so our first day customers were none the wiser of the mess that it had been just hours before. 
Super designers and helpers Julie (Moops and Hoops), Melinda (Baby Ink) and Lauren (Boondie Baby
Opening day and the week that has followed has brought a steady stream of "wowed" customers, all commenting on the gorgeous stock, abundance of choice, wide laned layout and various activities all in one shop. Kids especially have been having a blast making recycled crafts with Kim and Hardy from Rubble Art whilst parents sit back and relax with a good coffee. One lady even had a little nap i'm told, perfectly acceptable in their retro lounge room environment. In fact i'm sure if i sat in one of these chairs i wouldn't get up for another 8 hours. 


Clean and tidy ready for another batch of crafters
OK OK i know you're all dying to see some pics of the shop so far. Bec from Little Red Photography took some for me today and she will get these back to me soon but in the meantime, here are a few happy snaps i took. 

Gorgeous artworks in abundance
Super cute accessories for girls
Need some ideas for newborn gifts?
Divine name plaques
Choice, range, value for money
A good mix of girls AND boys wear
A great range of stationery and party products

Gifts for boys
Aren't these hairclip holders sweet and practical!

There is still lots to be done to tweak and fine tune everything but that will be an ongoing process that lasts forever i assume. Being a perfectionist, i am sure i'll be constantly changing things around.  

We had our first Shopping and Champagne night on Thursday and had a visit from the lovely Peace and Katy of Connect 2 Mums who were just in town for the expo and decided to pop by and say hi. They are such amazing role models and offer a fantastic support system to Mumprenuers out there, it was great to finally meet them. 

I am so proud of everything we have achieved and feel lucky to have so many amazing designers and providers on board. This truely is a community and our customers have been so excited to come in and be a part of this amazing experience we have all created together.  

Off to get some zzzz's 

Happy opening week everyone!

Nicole Herrick

Oh and PS the webstore will be up and running very shortly. 


  1. congrats, it looks wonderful I look forward to popping down & checking it all out

  2. Thanks for inviting me to the opening night, the hub looks fab, I will be back, hope you've manged to get some rest Nx

  3. "Have a drink warm body." Oliver, handing me the cup: "This is Yulia hand-brewed, good pub on a hundred times, but unfortunately Yulia body does not allow her to stay for another this live, I have to save our point of drinking. "

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