Wednesday, 31 August 2011

If you've got it, flaunt it...

Hi Everyone

I'm super happy this week. We've got so many amazing designers officially on board now and the products are just gorgeous. The store is going to be brimming with the creme de la creme of Aussie and Kiwi designed products. Customers are going to be drooling as they walk through the door, seriously. 

If you've been sent an offer and not yet accepted but still want to, get your forms back quick sticks so we can green light you. Questions welcome. 

If you have already been green lit, flaunt this baby around on your facebook pages. along with these links: Facebook and Style mag and newsletter sign up for customers to receive updates about your fab products.
This week i've been dreaming in yellow. There are so many ways we could fit out the retail area and other areas Kids Style Hub and I seriously cannot wait to get out my paint rollers and power tools. Here are some images that inspire me. 

Of course these aren't necessarily what KSH will look like, after all we don't have a million dollar fit out budget (for year one anyway), but these are just to give you a sense of style. In saying that, we do have a really good fit out budget and I have been known to perform creative miracles on any budget.  It's a McGuyver thing. 

Last week i met with the lovely Katrina from Market Angel. Her free info on markets all around Australia is such a great facility for both shoppers and stallholders. I considered her site to be the gospel when I first started doing markets and needed info on which ones I should be trying my products at. If you sell at or attend markets and are not signed up to her newsletter, you're missing out on the best and most up to date info you can get. She also has advertising opportunities for designers, just think about that 4000 strong audience.   

OK back to the grindstone for me, i've been waking up at 6am most mornings and jumping out of bed at full speed, so excited to put the past 14 months of research and development into action.  Seriously i do not need coffee anymore, i'm already bouncing off the walls.

I love my job :)

Happy designing

Nicole Herrick


  1. Great stuff! Great designs and creativity.This will surely be inspiring and encouraging to kids.

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  4. Extraordinary stuff! Awesome outlines and creativity.This will most likely be motivating and urging to kids.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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